Saturday, February 27, 2016

Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, 
arm yourselves also with the same attitude, 
because he who has suffered in his body is done
with sin.  2As a result, he does not live the rest of his
earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the
will of God.  3For you have spent enough time in the 
past doing what pagans choose to do -- living in debauchery,
lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable 
idolatry.  4They think it strange that you do not plunge
with them into the same flood of dissipation, and
they heap abuse on you.  5But they will have to give
account to him who is ready to judge the living and 
the dead.  6For this is the reason the gospel was
preached even to those who are now dead, so that
they might be judged according to men in regard 
to the body, but live according to God in regard
to the spirit.
--1 Peter 4:1-6                                          

     This month marks nine months that I have been in Aotearoa, or New Zealand.  During these nine months I have learned quite a bit about myself, New Zealand, cultures, America, and how amazing God is.  I have been on quite a roller coaster ride of emotions since I first arrived here in May of last year.  The first month was probably the hardest month of my entire life; however, since then it has steadily gotten better with just a few bumps here and there.  Lori and the kids have adjusted to living here in a much better way than I have which I am happy about for their sakes!  Sometimes it's still strange to think that I am living 10,000 miles away from what had become my "comfortable normal". However, we are indeed here on the other side of the earth from "home".  Lori and I set out on this missional adventure long before we ever actually left for New Zealand.  Lori originally felt God's call at an East Tennessee district assembly in July, 2012.  We both soon felt that God was calling us to go to New Zealand and we began to share that calling with friends and family.  Understandably many people were concerned about us moving our family with four children to the other side of the world.  However, God's calling on your life trumps everything.  

2As a result, he does not live the rest of his
earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the
will of God.

We have tried to follow God's will in everything we have done with our mission to New Zealand including being open to when He would send us and call us home.  It felt like forever before we were actually able to leave Tennessee and move to the north island of New Zealand.  In reality it was almost three full years from the time of God's calling on us until we actually moved.  It was all in God's perfect timing.  We have often been asked how long we would stay in New Zealand and our answer has always been that it depends on what God calls us to do and when He releases us from our calling on New Zealand.  With that said, Lori and I feel that God has indeed released us from this calling to New Zealand and is calling us to return to Tennessee.  Therefore, in June of this year we will be moving back to our house in Shelbyville, Tennessee.  We are incredibly grateful for the time and experiences we have had here so far and will continue to have for another three months or so.  We are also incredibly grateful for the prayers, money, cards, and gift boxes that have helped us get to New Zealand and lift our spirits after we were here.  
     Lori and I have talked often about how things here have been quite different from what we expected.  I must admit that I am not sure what exactly I did expect but this has been much tougher on my than I would have ever guessed.  However, again, we feel that God is using us in the ways that He has planned so whether we see results while we are here or the results happen years down the road and we never even know, we are okay with that.  Much of my mission field has been in my classroom and at school.  I cannot proselytize in the classroom (much like in America) but most of the students know that I came as a volunteer missionary.  This has led to them asking me lots of questions about my faith, what I believe, etc. and an opportunity for me to share with them why I am here.  I get these types of questions every week and, often, multiple times a week.  I am thankful for these opportunities because many of the young people of New Zealand have no exposure to God or the gospel message.  It's really sad to think that there are children growing up here that think that Jesus is only a word to yell when shocked or angry.  
     Even though we have mixed feelings about going back to Tennessee we are excited about the opportunity to be with family again as well as among familiar sights, smells, and sounds again.  I have a feeling that we will bring back a few Kiwi habits with us that might appear strange in middle Tennessee at times but that's okay.  We have often looked or sounded strange here when trying to fit in to a culture that was unfamiliar.  Sometimes those moments were funny...sometimes they were just awkward.  I have enjoyed moments with my students when they ask about American words, habits, schools, etc.  We have enjoyed some new recipes and words that we will bring back with us as well as a few we will glad to leave behind (sorry, we're not big fans of veggiemite or marmite).  We have made some friendships here that I hope will carry on thanks to social media and skype.  We have also been able to see some of the most beautiful beaches and landscape on earth, reminding us that our creator has no limit on what He can do!
     So...we plan to do what we can in our last few months here to fulfill God's calling on us.  Then, we will head back to Tennessee and become a part of our home church there again.  However, this time we will be just a little bit wiser about how God works everywhere for all people.  This has been an experience we will definitely never forget and will always appreciate.

 Water games at Kids' Club!

Nothing better on a hot day than playing with water balloons! 

One of smaller types of wetas.
 Youth group lesson time...
...followed by snack time!

 Sunday morning service.
 Harrison and Hadley behind Whangarei Falls.
 Athletics day at Dargaville High School.  Go St. George!
 Youth group fun

 The trail to Whale Bay near Matapouri Bay.
 Whale Bay looking over toward the beach at Wooleys Bay.
 Heidi is covering Hadley with sand while Hollister watches from the water.
Lori and Stacey
Panorama of Whale Bay

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you 
and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26                                                 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Show me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Saviour, 
and my hope is in you all day long.
                                     Psalm 25:4-5

     It's amazing to me that I started attending church camp over thirty years ago!  Even so, I have many fond memories of weeks at camp where I made new friends and learned what it meant to draw closer to God.  I also think about the adult leaders who were at those camps and now appreciate the time they spent with me and all the other young people.  Two weeks ago we had our youth camp for the New Zealand Nazarene district and I hope that these young people went away with some of the same type of great memories and growing experiences that I was blessed with.  We had a speaker/musician from Australia named Chang Po Ching who grew up in New Zealand and was excited to be back for our camp.  His wife Emily and their 10 week old baby came along as well!  Several of our pastors on the district were there as well to speak and help as needed.  I want to also give a big thanks to Nigel and Jae Carey from our Dargaville Church who were in charge of the camp this year.  The teens and pre-teens at camp (it was for kids in years 7-13 at school) enjoyed the company of fellow Christians and Nazarenes from around the country.  This was encouraging for me as we live in a world that keeps pushing young people away from God; however, some are choosing to follow God instead of the world and we need to support them as they are the future of our churches.  
 Our opening night service with Chang Po Ching.

 View from the deck of our building where most people slept.

 Fa'a speaking to the campers.

 Camp always includes fun and interesting games!!!

 Catching water balloons from a water balloon launcher.
 Kids could go kayaking or swimming in Parua Bay.

 Some of our games were led by Cam Batkin who came over from Australia with his son, Max, a.k.a. Sharkbait.
 Hadley dreaming about going down the giant water slide.

 Hollister enjoying one of the many water-based games.
 Harrison on the water slide.
 Our "swimming pool" at the Parua Bay Wharf.

 Our last service before everyone departed for home.
 Nigel and Jae Carey, our fearless camp organizers!
 Nigel congratulating our co-campers of the week.
 Kahu and Kya
 Selfie time with Ruby, Hannah, and Chang

 Devontae was a little frightened by the head under the bucket!

 Hannah and Kya
 Harrison and Benjamin
 Nigel, our fearless leader!

 Jaron and Elizabeth Graham who arrived from the U.S. in December.

 Max, a.k.a. Sharkbait

     This past week I have gone back to work at Dargaville High School as we prepare for a new school year.  For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, the school year here is basically from February to mid-December as the seasons are opposite from yours.  Anyway, I am looking forward to being at the school from Day 1 this time instead of starting halfway through the year like last year.  Also, Harrison will be going with me to Dargaville this year which I am looking forward to.  I have never had the honor of being in school with any of my kids so this should be fun.  He will be in one of my science classes which I hope he will enjoy!  ;o)

Enjoying the beach on my last day of summer break before returning to work.

Harrison and me posing in front of the Pacific Ocean at Matapouri Bay.

Finally, I leave you with a challenge...the longest place name on Earth.  I fully expect everyone reading this to learn how to say it!  God bless you all.